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    G Genesis NP series valve control type sealed lead acid battery using reliable AGM technology production, is a blend of hawke battery battery research and production experience for many years, in terms of battery system reliability, security and efficiency improved comprehensive, based on the application and the environmental protection design concept make hawke battery NP series battery installation location and installation with flexibility, to system integrators or end users to provide optimal solutions, thus Hawke battery GenesisNP series battery in global communications, electric power, petrochemical, metallurgical, financial center, data center, subway, exhibition hall and the new energy and other fields has been widely used.

    Hawke battery GenesisNP100-12 internal structure and features:

    1, electrolyte adsorption in glass fiber, upper and lower concentration is consistent, there will be no layered imagination; Factory, there is no free liquid electrolyte, so the battery will not discharge; The electrolyte density of 1.24 g/ml;

    2, ABS shell high-strength ABS shell, general collision or overcharge situations will not damage deformation;

    3, fireproofing safety valve relief valve effectively prevent external flame lit interior gas; High sensitivity one-way low pressure valve, safe operating more than 40000 times. Opening pressure: 20 kpa pressure valve closed: 5 kpa. Under normal operation, to prevent internal gas leak and into the atmosphere. In exceptional cases, excess gas release to ensure safe operation. Valve plus explosion-proof air plug, prevent fire into the battery cause explosion.

    4, tubular positive plate tubular positive plate alloy die-casting type structure is more compact, the corrosion resistance of reinforcement;

    Terminal 5, a column with internal or external thread yellow copper rods, tin plating and surface coated with antioxidant, make sure that the high rate of current through the heat generated by the reduced contact area, installation of connecting bar is more safe and reliable and save time.

    6, very great post seal - column root by pressure loop, rubber and anti-corrosive liner with loop three components completely sealed, completely ruled out any possibility of leakage

    7, special lead calcium tin aluminum gate deep circular plate formula and casting process, to improve the deep cycle life of the battery and the environmental protection and energy saving. Liquid with low density of electrode, effectively protect the positive plate gate floating charge pressure is low, make board gate corrosion extent to achieve a higher degree of ease, prolong the life span of the floating when using.

    8, a partition - porous glass fiber AGM, diaphragm electrolyte was absorbed completely, and let the battery in the barren solution state and oxygen compound, a diaphragm and a group of pre compression technology, overcome the AGM diaphragm, the influence of lead to insufficient capacity after loss of elasticity.

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     艾诺斯是全球工业电源系统解决方案的领先者,早已在全球后备电源行业久负盛名。凭借一百多年的电池制造经验和领先技术,在全球享有优秀声誉的国际品牌包括:Hawker、SuperSafe、Datasafe、Genesis、Huada等。EnerSys工业电池集团是一家全球性的蓄电池生产制造商。总部设在美国,生产基地主要在英国、法国、德国和美国,在南美洲和亚洲也有很大规模的生产基地。1998年开始,EnerSys工业电池集团就成为全球生产和销售量大的蓄电池生产商。2014年的销售额达到153亿人民币, 霍克电池具有多项铅酸蓄电池的国际专利,其领先的电池技术保证了它在世界工业电池领域的权威地位。集团耗巨资在英国曼切斯特建立的“测试计量实验室”是产品质量和技术保持世界领先地位的保障。该实验室经英国国家测量鉴定中心授权,可对任何品牌的蓄电池进行测试评定,其证书得到国际承认。英国BS标准中关于电池部分就是由该实验室制定的。 

    上一条:HAWKER叉车蓄电池【中国】工业集团有限公司 下一条:英国霍克蓄电池XE70紧急照明、安防等12V68AH新能源系统